The transport of hazardous materials is subject to strict regulations defined in the UN guidelines. There are reasons for this: even a small mistake can have fatal consequences.
How does explosives react to impacts? What effect does heat have on nitro compounds? What is the solidification point of TNT? How much oil evaporates in one hour?
Our safety testing equipment delivers results with precision. This accuracy can only be achieved through true German engineering based on deep and very specific knowledge. Over 30 years of experience and quality Made in Germany – that is our answer to your requirement.
Since 1994, we have delivered our products to many countries in the European Union, the United States, Asia, Latin America and Africa. Our main customers include military research and development and test centres, cable manufacturers, oil testing laboratories, universities, explosives and ammunition manufacturers and other related industries.
We are always at the cutting edge of technology and develop according to current standards.
We design with the highest precision and deliver well-engineered products.
Thanks to a closed supply chain, we deliver the highest quality with a long service life.
We offer an introduction to safety tests and the handling of our products.
We are not cheap, we are cost efficient and this means we are cheaper by the end of the day.
Survive in competitive markets, by joining the best. No surprising, no delays.
We not only follow standards, we set them since 1959! (Julius Peters)